My book, Cathonomics, was released last January. Since then, I’ve written a number of things and contributed to a few podcasts. Since this Substack newsletter is fairly new, I thought I would link to them all in one place.
First off: I wrote two pieces for Commonweal Magazine. The first one, from last January, summarized the main themes of my book, especially the call for a reinvigorated social democracy. The second one is more recent, and argues that “Bidenomics” marks a distinct break with neoliberalism.
I also wrote two pieces for US Catholic Magazine. The first one looked at Pope Francis’s blueprint for a post-Covid world, contrasting it with the aftermath of the Spanish ‘flu. The second one argued that Catholicism gives rise to global responsibilities across numerous dimensions.
Earlier this year, I wrote a pair of op-eds jointly with Jeff Sachs. The first, at New York Daily News, made the case for peace in Ukraine through the lens of Catholic social teaching. The second, at National Catholic Reporter, is on how the Economy of Francesco points towards a better economic vision.
I also wrote a piece for Church Life Journal arguing that Biden’s student debt relief was compatible with biblical notions of justice. And I did an interview with National Catholic Register on the same topic.
I also did an interview on my book for CREDO (Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization).
Finally, I contributed to three Catholic podcasts. The first was AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast. The second was Deacons Pod. And the third was Voting Catholic (from America Magazine)—this was on the moral dimension of inflation.
Francis is not Catholic, not Pope.
Vast difference btwn Catholic popes and false popes, Roncalli on.
Francis is a traitor to Holy Mother Church, and a traitor to mankind.